Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Some Environmental literature currently available

 Below is a list of environmental type literature i have researched. 

Dr Seuss (1971) The Lorax Trees overuse and ecology, Random House. A good example of a bright colourful children's book. Dr Seuss is quite a well known author whose work appeals to people of all ages.

Kathryn Laky (1997) The most beautiful roof in the world, Houghton Mifflin Rainforest canopy ecosystem. An alternative look for a children's book using photos for the main imagery.

Byrd Baylor (1993) Desert Voices, Simon and Schuster. Animals and habitat. I came across this author by chance and really enjoy their use of white space and bright colours. Below are two more examples of the author /illustrator team. 

Byrd Baylor (1986) The Desert is theirs, Atheneum Books. Desert people and animals.

Byrd Baylor (1998) The table where rich people sit, Aladdin picture books. Lesson about being rich in things that matter outdoors and experiencing nature.

Nicola Davies (2014) The Promise, Walker books. Changing a harsh world.

This is one of my favourite illustrators- Laura Carlin. The compositions are interesting and nice to look at. Laura's pencil and mixed media style gives a dream like feel to her images.


Image result for the promise nicola davies

Jeannie Baker (2008) Belonging, Walker books. Re-greening the city.
I found this complex layered mixed medium book inspiring. Baker's use of texture and imagery is awesome, i find myself examining all aspects if the pages, trying to see what else i can find! Love it. Just what a picture book should be.

Elisabeth Beresford (1968) The Wombles, Book club associates. Recycling

Peter Carnavas (2017) Last tree in the city New Frontier Publishing.

Katherine Olivia Sessions (2013) Tree Lady, Beech Lane Books

David Day (1981) The Doomsday book of animals Ebury Press.

Jen Cullerton Johnson (2011) Seeds of change- Wangari’s gift to the world. Lee and Low. Ecology

Miranda Paul (2015) One plastic bag- Isatou Ceesay and the recycling woman of the Gambia. Lerner Publishing group.

Britta Teckentup (2017) Under the same sky, Little tiger group.

Robert Burleigh (2013) Look up! Henrietta Leavitt Pioneering woman astrologer, Simon and Schuster.

Shel Silverstein (2003) The giving tree, Harper Collins.

Jon. J. Muth (2002) Three questions, Scholastic.

Mary McKenna Siddals (2010) Compost stew, Tricycle press.

Todd Parr (2010) The Earth book, Little, Brown Young Readers.

Nicholas Oldland (2009) Big Bear hug, Kids can press.

Nicholas Oldland (2011) The Busy Beaver, Kids van press.

Oliver Jeffers (2017) The Great Paper Caper, Harper Collins Children’s Books.

Frank Asch (1994) The Earth and I, Voyager books.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Ideas for negotiated project

I have been considering a variety of topics of late for this project. Many of which i discovered were of similar themes, either informative illustration or nonsense images.

I love to experiment with my illustrations and always try to improve my work by including a new form of practice or to explore ways of changing things to enhance them. So this will be a challenge which ever direction i go.

I enjoy finding out about facts but find many non-fiction books either too busy or to be very boring. I like to see and appreciate a good bit of artwork. I think this helps the reader to understand the subject /topic but also is a visual feast for the mind and soul.

On the other hand, i thrive on the absurd and theatrical. I enjoy the nonsensical whether it is a poem/ story film or image.


To explore how the environment and the care of it is represented. Looking at a variety of topics for consideration. 

Topics include:

Deforestation (killing animals and reducing natural resources)
Water pollution (animals, damages environment and habitats)
Hunting endangered animals (myths and trues stories)
Overfishing (bad for planet)
Air pollution (bad for health)
Light pollution (affecting our access to night sky)
Refuse/rubbish (too much throwaway packaging)
Disposal of refuse (NY has to have it shipped away on boats)
Composting (how we can help)
Upcycling (to reuse and be creative)

I will explore existing formats including picture books, e-books and other nonfiction work.